Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Moving with 0 Minutes Notice

     When your an oilfield wife and you choose to follow your husband from job to job... you get to do what I did last weekend.

We drove five and a half hours to spend the weekend with my parents and with my husband's Mom. Friday evening we left Beeville Texas and drove to Buffalo Texas. It was a nice drive because we like to look at the country side and visit. Ok... we like to look at the country side and I have a running monolog for most of the trip. There, I said it. I talk to much. Nevertheless, we got to Buffalo just before ten o'clock that evening. My Dad was still in the living room watching TV so my husband sat and visited with him and I went to bed.

On Saturday morning we got up and took my parents and brother out to breakfast. It was nice to get to visit with no other agenda. We have been to Buffalo a lot this past month but we were moving out of our house and putting our things in storage in Buffalo so most of the time we were busy and did not have much time for visiting.

After breakfast we went back to my parent's house and my husband got a phone call. Within five minutes he was off the phone and said, "Its time to load up. We are moving to Leona."

I kissing my parents good by we headed back to Beeville. We asked my brother if he wanted to ride along and he said yes. Now I had someone to keep me awake when we drove back. My husband pulled the RV and I followed in our other pickup. We were back in Beeville by 4:00 p.m. It only takes me about an hour to get things ready to go and it only takes my husband about an hour and a half to get the outside ready. We were gone by 5:45 p.m. At 11:30 p.m. we pulled in to the RV park we were going to live in for the next three to four months.  We got the RV off of the pickup and slid out the slide outs. Then we went to bed exhausted. We drove 11 hours and ended up 30 miles from where we started because we ended up in Leona which is 30 miles from Buffalo. Now we are 30 miles from my parents and 15 miles from my husbands family. Wow... what a day.

The next day we discovered we had hitchhikers. Two baby birds. Their mother made a nest in the 5th wheel hitch. Next time we move we will look in the hitch for babies.
They are common Starlings. Read about Starlings here Starlingtalk babycare   I did some research and found out that it was legal for me to feed them until they could fly away but it would be best if I found a rescue center. Did you know that there is no place with in an hours drive that will take baby birds? So I learned that I could feed them kitten food because it is high in protein. So I soaked the cat food in water and started feeding them every hour. Evidently their mother does not feed them in the evening/night so they only need to be fed 12 hours a day. They tolerated the cat food very well ( you can tell by looking at their poop) and chirped  at me every time I opened the door to the 5th wheel. I named them George and Gracie. George was neater and pooped outside of the nest but Gracie pooped where ever she was standing. Once she even pooped on George. How did I know if they were male or female? I didn't but I figured I would just name them according to their personalities. My sister in law has birds and cages and she said that she would take them raise. I took them to her this morning. In two or three weeks they should be able to fly away. It is sad that their mother will miss them but I did my best to keep them alive. Now they should be okay until they are able to fly away. George and Gracie are now safely in a cage, so that other animals can't eat them, until they are big enough to fly away.
The move to eastern Texas was without problems and I think that is the best kind of move.
I keep reminding myself that change is inevitable and I might as well view it as an adventure with a smile and a positive attitude. God is good. 

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